Sunday, November 13, 2005

Aawww, look at him...isn't he sweet!

I'm soooo happy for my nephew, Levi. He won his first USAC national sprint car title last night. I really shouldn't say last night, because it took and entire season to get it done. I'm way more of a Levi fan than a race fan, but even I know this is HUGE. He's such a good's nice to see when good guys finish first.

The photo above is Levi (in blue and red) and Damion Gardner celebrating their victories. Gardner is the regional-CRA champ, while Levi has the Valvoline national sprint car title.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

how is he even old enough to drive? shouldn't he still be about 8 years old?

i think every race car driver aspires to be 'sweet'. hee!