Friday, November 11, 2005

Finishing stuff is a good thing.

Some new stuff.

This is a wire and bead crochet set I made to go with a particular shirt. It all looked really good too. Well, it did until I washed the shirt, anyway. Now it's an item that would fit a preteen. Good thing I have one of those around the house too.

This is my first ever KNITTED scarf. The close up photo shows more of the true color of it. It weighs about a hundred pounds. I really don't know how that happened. Mae, the knitting guru, says it's because of the mohair in it.

This creation is a new bag made from an extra pillow sham. It's a quilted suede cloth in a very hard to photograph color somewhere between burgundy and purple.

This is the new thing. Last night my first scarf was finished early in the night. I went poking around through the yarn in the shop and this is what I came up with. I just love it. It's on it's way to becoming a keyhole scarf. It's probably going to be finished sometime today. I don't seem to be able to just do a little here or there. I always want to go and go until the thing is finished. Then I'm sitting there wishing I had another thing to knit. I'm blaming it all on Jennifer.

If they cooperate, I'll get some pictures of the girls with their projects later. Savannah is almost ready to felt her bag (heaven help me!) and Ciara's scarf keeps growing.



Ragged Around the Edges said...

Wow! You are so creative. I am green with envy.

What yarn did you use for the first scarf? Very, very cute.

And jewelry? Is there anything you can't do?

Jennifer said...

ooo! look at the pretties! that scarf is lovely. I'm with ragged...what did you use for it? and the croheted jewelry is spiffy. cant wait to see it 'in person'.

and thank you...i will fully take blame for getting you hooked on another craft! my work here is done. :)

musicgeek said...

Thanky, thanky...the pinky, orangy, creamish yarn for the "first scarf" is Plymouth Yukon Print. It's 35% mohair, 35% wool, and 30% acrylic.

Oh Ragged, Ragged...there are many things I can't do, but I don't let a little thing like THAT stop me! Thanks for the nice comments.

Jennifer, hopefully our families can do our kind of annual post-Thanksgiving get together. I'll be expecting to see some of your yarny bits. You can show me what the hell a yarn over is.

Jennifer said...

ooo! dont let mae show you yarn overs! its so easy i actually know how to do it. i'll feel smart and cool if you let me show you how to do them. when i do, you'll go "oh. that couldnt be easier"

I love our little holiday gathering. If you come visit for a stretch, we could have a lil stitch n bitch.