A place where you can see what I do when I should be studying.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
A new teapot
It must be the English ancestry. I just love a good cup of tea. So following Jennifer's lead of getting "one present for you, and one for me", I bought myself a new elecric teapot. It works great, and is so much more fun to use than the microwave.
I'd like to take a picture of it for you, but I'm afraid to. Look what happened to this poor Ebay seller.
This is a little peek into the life of a nursing student who's also a wife and mom of two. Many days I feel older than dirt, and after a 12 hour clinical, I sometimes smell a little like poop...
Bahahahaha! Who takes pictures while they're naked?! honestly...
Giggle. Giggle. Giggle.
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